Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursdays come, Thursdays Go

This is the sight of a lone Jasmine Flower in my garden, it looks so forelorn.

This for me is the worst day of my little week. After a small shift in the office and there is very little time to re-coop before it's time to be on the go again with the Little B's.

But today is slightly different. For the first time in a long time I didn't wake up till 7am, and C was still there (at this point he's usually on a bus to York). Then the LB's were still in their room! Now to top it off they are both in pre-school for the first time in a week! The silence is deafening! Bliss.

Things being as they are, a slightly off kilter morning, for the most off kilter day of the week, I had chance to make the buns for LB's school bun day tomorrow. I'm certain we never did that sort of thing when I was there (he is at one of my old schools after all). I vaguely remember going with some games once, and without underwear several times - but the less I say about that the better probably! But still the office will be in for a good day tomorrow when they get the cast off baked goods!

My recipe is the usual sponge mix of 4oz butter, 4oz sugar, 4oz self raising flour with 2 eggs and a tsp of vanilla extract. The icing is made by heating up the ready roll icing in a glass jug in the microwave for a couple of minutes stirring in the colouring and then pouring the molten sugar onto the cupcakes. (this recipe made 24 cupcakes)

The weather is beginning to brighten up again, this makes my mind turn to the Princess Garden once more - and how do I tame those rambling brambles? Also, just how brave am I when the flat roof really needs some felt adding to stop the drips invading the side room on the house. My overriding fear is falling through the roof. Funny how I'm not keen on that idea! I believe that I have a healthy fear of landing after taking a long drop first.

The time to start sowing seeds is almost upon me, a great excuse to visit the garden centre and the builder's merchants. I need some sort of structure either a cold frame/poly tunnel or greenhouse affair. I'm rather liking some of the collapsible greenhouses currently on offer in the Argos catalogue - a decision needs to be made pretty sharpish and I am the world's best procrastinator which is how the Princess Garden got into this state in the first place.

Evenings at the House of Princess Garden are a random affair. Somehow, even though I'm only out 2 nights a week I seem to never have a real evening free. Apart from Thursdays which makes it a special night in my eyes (it even comes above Takeout Friday). Thursday is a nice quiet relaxing night a little bit of trash on telly - Leverage is a current love - knitting needles in hand and I can happily click away the evening like that and poof before you know it the time will have snuck up on me from bedtime. When no doubt I will lay there debating the pros and cons of decorating the bathroom. Do I want white? Do I want a colour hint - maybe aqua or green? Do I paint and varnish the shelves? Would it be difficult to make a bathroom cabinet with my meagre skills? I have all these grand ideas, but will I follow them through? Only time will tell.

This afternoon has been a bit indulgent drafting today's blog and drinking coffee and eating cake as Little B plays in the local cafe. This venue has been a godsend I can tell you. Anywhere I can sit, drink coffee and read a magazine (supplied by the cafe - even better!)is all good by me, especially as LB loves it too, mainly the Red Power Ranger Suit and mask!

It amazes me at how easily LB can make friends, he's a bit like a famous person on Twitter - he turns up and almost immediately has a large group of followers or in his LB speak his 'mates'. While we are on LB speak, today he asked me what do we do when we stop living - his answer is 'We Play!'. Well that could have saved Yvette and the rest of the Most Haunted team a whole lot of sleepless nights! But then they also wouldn't have made their millions either oh the swings and roundabouts of life.

I'll be signing off now with LB's song of the day. Nee Naw Marjorie Daw... I'm an Alien! Bless him.

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