Monday, May 10, 2010

Catching Up With Myself

I expected to be back online before now, up north here in the Princess Garden we have been lucky and had some really good weather so I've gotten ahead on some of my jobs.

It's all started with a bit of a mess...

It's all starting to take shape now, thankfully, but there is still lots of work ahead...

This is my new bird feeding area, it's where the lavender previously resided!

I'm currently playing with lots of ideas for the bottom half of the garden where the pig shed and giant tree resides.

My composter seems to have an infestation of ants and spiders in there, so it'll need cleaning out somewhat, but I'm not sure how to do that, could it go in the brown bin? Probably not. Mmmm what to do what to do... I could also do with relocating it to nearer the house, it may get used more down there, not so much the putting stuff in it as the taking the compost out of it when it's ready! Yes I really am that bad.

I have discovered though that the more time I spend out there the more I want to be in the garden rather than in the house, so I'm now looking at areas I can turn into a little me area. Using a mix of climbing plants, some slabs and possibly a gazebo so it will have both shade and cover from light rain...! The Princess Garden is in Yorkshire after all!

1 comment:

  1. T'is Al.

    Looking at the pictures of your garden, had a thought.

    A secluded formal garden just in front of your pig shed could look good. I imagine a rectangular pond directly in front of your pig shed using the troughs as some sort of cascading water features.

    Just a thought I had.
